Payment Info

Practice fees can be found on the booking page.

I am not contracted with insurance companies and do not engage in single-case agreements. This allows me to offer the highest standard of personalized treatment and more strongly safeguard patient privacy.

Patients are welcome to use out-of-network benefits—many insurers reimburse 60-80% once you’ve reached your deductible. To help with this process, I provide a service called Reimbursify at no cost to you. It checks with your health insurance to let you know in advance how much a visit will end up costing, so you’re never hit with bill surprises. You can also use it to file your insurance claim for you, simply and easily. Find the blue “Use Your Insurance” button in the bottom right corner from anywhere on this page. Then click “Verify Your Benefits” to get started. More help can be found if needed at

Note: For patients who prefer not to use Reimbursify, I can provide a “superbill” statement you can send to your insurance company yourself for reimbursement.

Enjoy convenient online scheduling.